Wednesday, June 30, 2004'♥
reached home not long ago
went town
been slacking at fareast
saw munirah.z
but guess she dun rem mi ya
was toking abt o's wif crappy jacko
but wats done is done
is over so 4get it
gonna try my vvvvvvvvvvvvvv best 2 study hard whn sch reopens
can i?
haha =x
went isetan scotts 2 find ongling
disturb her lyk hell..messing up her stuffs
haha so fun
can c tat she almost wanted 2 kill mi
waited 4 her 2 off work n went meridian mit up wif nana n aline
i dono y but tink we r juz getting so damn fucking crappy these daes
laughing at e slighest tinks
went off at ard 12 plus to tanah merah
mit van.
den col dad 2 fetch mi home at ard 2 plus coz i seriously dun wana ton n im real broke.
2 tired 2 ton already.
gonna b lyk a walking zombie.
gonna end off here ya.
tc peeps.miz ya.
Zombie@6/30/2004 03:45:00 AM
Tuesday, June 29, 2004'♥
feeling so emotional rite now
i need a break
a loong break
but can i?
i've lost so much tinks..& now i'm still losing tinks
n i feel tat i'm losing u 2 s well
wateva.b it.e whole world juz sux.
Zombie@6/29/2004 03:23:00 PM
juz rch home
was slacking at home tis noon
den went tamp 2 mit jacko at ard 7 plus
ate at c.s foodcourt
so fuck up can
walk round n round but carn find ani nice food
end up juz settle down wif e stupid pig organs soup
den went mac n slack
had fun
rly laugh my arse off
oh gosh
jacko jacko jacko..
since when did we become so damn farking crappy & lame?!
juz 2 of us
imagine if salimah dey all were dere too?
aniwae rem ur whitening lotion ya?
u beta do wat u r suppose 2.
suddenly got a craving 4 my macwings
so again
oh nooooo
i'm dun wana b fat~!
but ya who cares..
m so bored now
nobody ntertain mi.
e nite is still young.
Zombie@6/29/2004 12:29:00 AM
Monday, June 28, 2004'♥
body aching lyk hell man
carried such heavy stuffs all e wae frm parkwae 2 our pit 23
n sum fucking idiots chao ah gua did nth n tot they were some kinda young master?
even commented on jacko food when she so xin ku bbq-ing.
get a life la.
tink wat sia.
childish morons..
aniwae apart frm some ppl...e bbq was kinda alrite..
yupz..din eat much though.
so sianz..
life's a bitch manz..
Zombie@6/28/2004 02:31:00 PM
Friday, June 25, 2004'♥
so tired..*yawnz*
went town ytd wif ivy kriz n maine.
den went down club 3 aft eating
den daniel n his guy came..along wif jasper n company
had fun dere
but veh seh
went dwn reservoir aft tt
waited till bout 5 plus
meet an awhile den went home.
very very tired.
Zombie@6/25/2004 07:05:00 PM
Saturday, June 19, 2004'♥
finally i'm home 4 tonight..
feeling so weak rite now.
head spinning lyk dono wart fuck siaz.
been sleeping over at
his plc tis few nites
waiting 4 his sms now..
so bored..
.i miz u tons.
Zombie@6/19/2004 09:47:00 PM
Thursday, June 17, 2004'♥
been staying up 4 e past few nites watch soccer wif them..
buey tahan.
life's getting boring siaz.*sigh*
dono if i shld go down agn 2nite?
i dunch mean 2 hide it frm u n not let u noe.
(well n'wae thanks 2 those 2 fuckers.
mind ur own biz.bitch n bei pua cheebai!)
i rly rly feel lyk playing wif it.
very tempted.
yes i noe i will get addicted.
but i duno y m i doing all tis.
i'm sorry if i've disappoint u.
sorry if wo rang ni zhe me xin tong.
everytink tt u said last nite..
been running thru my mind ova n ova agn.
u r right.
aft all..its all juz excuses.
i'm running awae from everytink.
i juz dun haf e courage e guts e confidence 2 b wat i used 2 b animore.
dui bu qi.i need tym.
thanks..i love u sis.
Zombie@6/17/2004 04:15:00 PM